



1.马努特·波尔(2.31米)2.萨博尼斯(2.21米)3.伊尔戈斯卡斯(2.21米) 4.

拉尔夫·桑普森(2.24米)5.姚明(2.26米) 6.马克·伊顿(2.21米)7.乔治·穆雷桑(2.32米)8.布拉德利(2.29米)9.里克·施密茨(2.24米)10.兰迪·布鲁尔(2.21米)这个是NBA打球最高的10个人,至于世界上很难给你统计出来!!


1迈克尔 乔丹

2威尔特 张伯伦

3科比 布莱恩特

4勒布朗 詹姆斯

5艾伦 艾佛森

6卡尔 马龙


8约翰 斯托克顿


10大卫 罗宾逊

篮球星播客174期 悲情英雄介绍AI 麦蒂,格兰特希尔,纳什。那首英文歌是什么?一个男的唱的,很

Wait, do you see my heart on my sleeve?

It's been there for days on end and

It's been waiting for you to open up

Just you baby, come on now

I'm trying to tell you just how

I'd like to hear the words

roll out of your mouth finally

Say that it's always been me

That's made you feel a way you've never felt before

And I'm all you need and that you never want more

Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue

But you'd save the best for last

Like I'm the one for you

You should know that you're just a temporary fix

This isn't a routine with you

it don't mean that much to me

You're just a filler in the space

that happened to be free

How dare you think you'd get away

with trying to play me

Why is it everytime I think I've tried my hardest

It turns out it ain't enough

cause you're still not mentioning love

What am I supposed to do to make you want me properly?

I'm taking these chances and getting away

And though I'm trying my hardest you go back to her

And I think that I know things may never change

I'm still hoping one day I might hear you say

I make you feel a way you've never felt before

And I'm all you need and you never want more

Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue

But you'd save the best for last

Like I'm the one for you

You should know that you're just a temporary fix

This isn't a routine with you

it don't mean that much to me

You're just a filler in the space

that happened to be free

How dare you think you'd get away

with trying to play me

But, despite the truth that I know

I find it hard to let go and give up on you

Seems I love the things you do

Like the meaner you treat me the more eager I am

To persist with this heartbreak and running around

And I will do until I find myself with you

And make you feel a way you've never felt before

And be all you need and that you never want more

And you'll say all of the right things without a clue

And you'll be the one for me and me the one for you

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发布于 2022-08-10 20:08:52
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